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Support Information on network camera (WV Series)

Concern about network cameras, network recorders and other network products


Network cameras, network recorders and other network products are built-in with web server. You can access them over the Internet, however, unexpected access by a third party brings infringement of privacy and right of publicity, there is it that such occurs information leaks.

It is recommended that you check the settings and use procedure of equipment if you are using so as to be connected over the Internet.

Please refer to the instruction manuals since the setting items and procedures such as differ depending on the product.
Or, please refer to the instructions for each product;

- Cameras   PGQW1887ZAC1_ADD_en_ja.pdf
- Recorders
    WJ-NV200/NV300 : PGQW1893ZAC1_NV200_NV250_NV300_ADD_ja_en.pdf
    WJ-ND400 : PGQW1894ZAC1_ND400_ADD_ja_en.pdf
- WV-ASM200  PGQW1889ZAJ1_WV-ASM200_ADD_ja_en.pdf


Please make sure that you are NOT using in a risky situation as follow;

  1. Configure [User auth.] at [User mng.]: Off
    or, for some models, [Permit access from guest users]
    Third parties can reach to your products by using with IP address or domain name only.
  2. Leaving factory default settings for user name and password.
    Those are well known and too risky.
    Please use your own user name and password with deleting factory default ones, and regularly change.
  3. Consecutive letters or numbers such as "11111", birth dates, phone numbers.
    Because those are easy to guess.
    Please use the characters and numbers those are difficult to guess for user name and password, and regularly change.
  4. Using same user name and password for a long period.
    Please change user name and password, periodically.
  5. Leaving user names and passwords for unassigned users.
    Please delete them.
  6. Leaving browser accessing the device with the user name as administrator.
    Please log off when you leave from the browser.

Please note that utilizing a variety of security features on cameras, recorders and other network products to prevent unexpected access.