・After upgrading, be sure to check the version on this page.
・After upgrading, be sure to delete the temporary Internet file. →18.2 Trouble!?
・Use a PC on the same subnet as the machine to upgrade the version.
・When using the version upgrade software, be sure to check the precautions at the dealer where you purchased the software and follow the instructions.
・Use our specified img file for the software to be used to upgrade the version. Be sure to use [Model name _xxxxx.img] (model name is lowercase and [WV-] is not required) as the file name of the software to be used for version upgrading. *[xxxxxx] contains the software version.
・Do not turn off the computer during version upgrading.
・Do not perform any operation during version upgrading until the version upgrade is completed.
・The following data will not be initialized even if [Initialize setup data after version upgrade is completed] is selected. IPv4 DNS primary server address, secondary server address, IPv6 primary server address, DNS secondary server address, DHCP On/Off, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, HTTP port, HTTPS port, HTTP/HTTPS connection method, CRT key, CA certificate, UPnP setting, communication rate, delivery rate control (bit rate), time setting, IEEE802.1X setting, function extension software, and function extension software setting
・Display plug-in software must be licensed for each PC. Contact your dealer for a license.