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AI Processing Relay i-PRO

AI applications

Enable AI image analysis on a non-AI camera

  • Turns non-AI network cameras into “AI cameras” by applying AI processing relay
  • Edge AI capability
  • Easy installation
  • Available with i-PRO mini camera and X-series AI camera

This software enables to turn "non-AI camera" into "AI camera" without any re-installation costs.
It receives MJPEG data from non-AI cameras, performs AI processing with AI extension software, and performs alarm reception and image search I-PRO Active Guard.

1. Turns “non-AI camera” into “AI cameras” by applying AI Processing Relay

  • AI processing relay keeps all existing IP cameras available as AI cameras on site. Enables a low-cost transition to AI-based analytics such as replacing existing cameras and re-installation costs of new cameras on site.

2. Edge AI capability

  • Up to 3(for New X series Camera) or 2(for i-PRO mini) apps can be installed that detect people or vehicles with the ability to detect nearly 100 individual object attributes from the below options
    AI-VMD / AI People Detection / AI Vehicle Detection / AI occupancy Detection / AI Scene change Detection

3. Easy installation

  • New X series Camera(WV-X15xxx, WV-X22xxx, WV-X25xxx) and i-PRO mini(WV-S71300-F3) installed with AI processing relay app

System overview


  WV-S71300(A)-F3 (i-PRO mini)
Note : Camera function on install camera is not available.
WV-X15xxx, WV-X22xxx, WV-X25xxx (New X series Camera)
Note: Camera function is available.
Input Up to 1ch Up to 3ch
No. of apps to be installed*1 Up to 2 apps Up to 3 apps
Supported camera i-PRO camera / Other Company Camera*2
Received video format Video format JPEG, H.264, H.265 *3
Resolution Recommended resolution: 2MP(1920x1080) or 1MP(1280x720)
Max. resolution: 1920x1080
Min. resolution: 640x360
Available AI app*4 AI-VMD / AI People Detection / AI Vehicle Detection / AI Occupancy Detection / AI Scene Change Detection
Supported System*5 Video Insight / Genetec / Milestone / ASM300 with i-PRO Active Guard


*1 For more details. refer AI apps compatibility in Accessory Selector or Technical Information [C0103]
*2 The camera must be able to output "Received video format". And you need to know JPEG stream CGI or RTSP stream URL.
*3 In the case of JPEG:
 -The frame rate of the connected non-AI cameras must be 3-15fps.(Recommended 5fps)

In the case of H.264:
 -The frame rate of the connected non-AI cameras must be 3-15fps.(Recommended 5fps)
 -The total frame rate of the connected non-AI cameras must be within 15fps and the total bitrate must be within 3Mbps.
 -When connecting 3 non-AI cameras with X series camera: within 5fps and 1Mbps per channel 
 -When connecting 2 non-AI cameras with X series camera: within 7.5fps and 1.5Mbps per channel
 -When connecting 1 non-AI camera with X series camra: within 15fps and 3Mbps per channel.

In the case of H.265:
 -Only 1 non-AI camera can be connected.
 -The frame rate of the connected non-AI cameras must be 3-10fps.(Recommended 5fps)
 -The frame rate of non-AI cameras must be within 10 fps and the bit rate must be within 1 Mbps.

*4 The AI analysis performance depends on the image quality, so it will be a best effort. Please check it with cameras you use on site.
*5 ASM300 with i-PRO Active Guard supports only cameras which can connect i-PRO NVR.
For “Video Insight with i-PRO Active Guard”, AI Occupancy Detection alarms are not supported because they do not go through i-PRO Active Guard.

Supported functions with AI Processing Relay for each VMS 

Video Insight with i-PRO Active Guard

  AI-VMD AI People Detection AI Vehicle Detection AI Occupancy Detection AI Scene Change Detection
Alarm Management N / A
Similarity Search - - -
Statistics Dashboard -

Genetec / Milestone with i-PRO Active Guard

  AI-VMD AI People Detection AI Vehicle Detection AI Occupancy Detection AI Scene Change Detection
Alarm Management
Similarity Search - - -
Statistics Dashboard -

ASM300 with i-PRO Active Guard supports only cameras which can connect i-PRO NVR

  AI-VMD AI People Detection AI Vehicle Detection AI Occupancy Detection AI Scene Change Detection
Alarm Management
Similarity Search - - -
Statistics Dashboard -


Data Sheet

A&E Spec Sheet


Web Guide



AI Processing Relay Software for AI X-series camera

AI Processing Relay Software for AI X-series camera

Latest version: 2.11    Release Note

[Important notice]
- Available with X-series AI camera
  *Update X-series AI cameras to version 3.01 or later before installing this application.
- Applications included in the zip file:
  AI Processing Relay V2.11
  AI-VMD V3.71
  AI People Detection V2.11
  AI Vehicle Detection V2.11
  AI Occupancy Detection V2.11
  AI Scene Change Detection V2.11
- Click here for OSS included in this software

AI Processing Relay Software for i-PRO mini camera

AI Processing Relay Software for i-PRO mini camera

Version 2.11   Release Note

[Important notice]
- Available with i-PRO mini camera
- Upgrade camera firmware to the latest version for use with this extension software.
- Click here for OSS included in this software


Technical Document
