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  4. i-PRO Advanced Object Search Plug-in for Network Optix

March 1, 2024    A new software plug-in is now available for Network Optix Nx Witness that gives the video management system unprecedented search capabilities using i-PRO AI camera metadata. With the software developed by Data Motion, the new i-PRO Advanced Object Search delivers powerful real-time searches and deep forensic analysis. Included at no cost, it delivers AI metadata and analytics from an i-PRO camera directly into Nx Witness enabling sophisticated object, people, and vehicle search.

The advanced object detection and descriptive attribute capabilities do not require expensive analysis servers, as it utilizes the i-PRO Edge AI cameras.

Security professionals no longer need to spend time looking at multiple screens for persons or vehicles of interest or watch hours of recorded video to search for important events. Operators can set rules-based actions based on specific vehicle or people attributes (for instance “male wearing a red shirt and black pants”) and Nx Witness will send them a real-time alarm whenever a match is identified. This enhances real-time situational awareness and enables proactive security. The same process can be set up for fast data mining of events during forensic investigations.

Network Optics NxWitness joins the growing list of VMSs that integrate i-PRO AI analytics, including Genetec Security Center, Milestone Systems’ XProtect, Luxriot EVO, i-PRO Video Insight, and i-PRO’s ASM300 software.

The i-PRO Advanced Object Search plug-in is available at no cost for customers worldwide using Network Optix Nx Witness v5.0 from Network Optix and Data Motion.