Schedule Maintenance : Monday February 17, from 9:00am(UTC) to 12:00am(UTC)
During this period, the service will not be available due to maintenance work.

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Warranty and Support Policy 

Hardware warranty

The warranty period varies by region. 

i-PRO’s warranty is applicable to the product repainted by the customer if it is an i-PRO-approved model, and it is repainted according to the instructions recommended by i-PRO. 
Refer to Product Warranty After Repainting Purchased i-PRO Products for details.

Firmware/software support policy after discontinuation

i-PRO will provide bug and security fixes of firmware and software, even after discontinuation of products, as described below.
Note that any maintenance items are made at i-PRO’s sole discretion.


End of support schedule 

Note: Products whose support period expired by September 2024 are not listed.


Firmware (As of Sept. 2024)


 Regarding spare parts supply, i-PRO will continue to supply spare parts after product discontinuation date.
 Note that in case of a shortage of spare parts, a successor model will be provided as swap.

Model End date of Support 1
- Bug fixes and important security fixes
End date of Support 2
- Important security fixes 
WJ-GXE100 2025/9/30 2027/9/30
WJ-GXE500 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WJ-HDE400P 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WJ-HXE400P 2027/4/30 2029/4/30
WJ-NX100/2E 2025/12/1 2027/12/1
WJ-NX200KP 2025/12/30 2027/12/30
WJ-NX300K 2027/4/30 2029/4/30
WJ-NX300KP 2027/4/30 2029/4/30
WJ-NX400K 2027/4/30 2029/4/30
WJ-NX400KP 2027/4/30 2029/4/30
WV-S1111 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S1112 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S1131 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S1132 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S1136 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1511LN 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S1531LN 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S1531LNS 2026/2/28 2028/2/28
WV-S1531LTN 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S1536L 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1536L-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1536LN 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1536LN-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1536LNS 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1536LT 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1536LTN 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S1550L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S1552L 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S1570L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S1572L 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S2110 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2111L 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S2130 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2131 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S2131L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2136 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2136-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2136G 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2136G-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2136L 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2136L-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2136LG 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2136LG-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2211L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2231L 2026/6/30 2028/6/30
WV-S2236L 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2236L-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2236LG 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2236LG-B 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2250L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2252L 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S2270L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2272L 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S2511LN 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2531LN 2026/6/30 2028/6/30
WV-S2531LTN 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S2536L 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2536LG 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2536LGN 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2536LN 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2536LT 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2536LTN 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S2550L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2552L 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S2570L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S2572L 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S3111L 2027/3/31 2029/3/31
WV-S3131L 2027/7/31 2029/7/31
WV-S3511L 2027/3/31 2029/3/31
WV-S3512LM 2027/3/31 2029/3/31
WV-S3531L 2027/7/31 2029/7/31
WV-S4150 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S4151 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S4156 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S4176 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S4550L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S4550LM 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S4551L 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-S4551LM 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S4556L 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S4556LM 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S4576L 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S4576LM 2026/11/30 2028/11/30
WV-S6111 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S6130 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S6131 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-S6530N 2026/8/31 2028/8/31
WV-S71300-F3 2027/2/28 2029/2/28
WV-S8530N 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-S8531N 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-SBV111M 2025/12/31 2027/12/31
WV-SF438 2023/6/30 2025/6/30
WV-SFN110 2022/10/31 2024/10/31
WV-SFN130 2022/12/31 2024/12/31
WV-SFN480 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-SFV110 2022/10/31 2024/10/31
WV-SFV110M 2024/4/30 2026/4/30
WV-SFV130 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-SFV130M 2024/4/30 2026/4/30
WV-SFV481 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-SFV781L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-SMR10 2022/12/31 2024/12/31
WV-SMR10N3 2022/12/31 2024/12/31
WV-SP102 2023/12/31 2025/12/31
WV-SP105 2024/3/31 2026/3/31
WV-SPV781L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-ST162 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-ST165 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-SW115 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-SW172 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-SW175 2023/9/30 2025/9/30
WV-SW458 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-SW458MA 2023/12/31 2025/12/31
WV-U1130 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U1132 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U1142 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U1532L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U1542L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2130L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2132L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2140L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2142L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2530L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2532L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2540L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-U2542L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-V1170 2023/3/31 2025/3/31
WV-V1330L1 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-V1330LK 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-V2530L1 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-V2530LK 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-V6430L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-X1551LN 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-X1571LN 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-X2251L 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-X2271L 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-X2551LN 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-X2571LN 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-X4170 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-X4171 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-X4172 2026/6/30 2028/6/30
WV-X4173 2026/8/31 2028/8/31
WV-X4571L 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-X4571LM 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-X4573L 2026/8/31 2028/8/31
WV-X4573LM 2026/8/31 2028/8/31
WV-X6511N 2026/8/31 2028/8/31
WV-X6531N 2026/8/31 2028/8/31
WV-X6531NS 2026/3/31 2028/3/31
WV-X8570N 2025/3/31 2027/3/31
WV-X8571N 2026/3/31 2028/3/31





Software (As of Sept. 2024)


Model End date of Support 1
- Bug fixes and important security fixes
WJ-NVF30W 2026/11/30
WJ-NXF02W 2027/4/30
WV-ASE201W 2027/3/31
WV-ASE204W 2027/3/31
WV-ASE231 2027/3/31
WV-ASE231W 2027/3/31
WV-ASE306W 2025/3/31
WV-ASE902 2026/3/31
WV-ASE902W 2026/3/31
WV-ASF950 2027/3/31
WV-ASF950W 2027/3/31
WV-ASFE901 2027/3/31
WV-ASFE901W 2027/3/31
WV-ASFE904 2027/3/31
WV-ASFE904W 2027/3/31
WV-ASFE951 2027/3/31
WV-ASFE951W 2027/3/31
WV-SAE200W 2026/3/31
WV-SAE303W 2026/3/31
WV-XAE203W 2026/3/31