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  4. WV-ASVC101W(Vehicle Search Plug-in Software)


WV-ASVC101W(Vehicle Search Plug-in Software) i-PRO

Vehicle Search Plug-in Software


Client Plug-in Software for Genetec / Video Insight

It is necessary plug-in software when using Genetec / Video Insight for the client of the WV-ASV100W (Vehicle Search Server Software).


User Manual/Operating Instruction

WV-ASVC101 Manual (for Genetec)

WV-ASVC101 Manual (for Genetec)

Software can be downloaded from Panasonic Partner portal site. Please visit our website for detail.
For questions about Panasonic Business Partner Portal, please click here.

There are the following files.
 - Operating Instructions (English/French)
 - Setup Instructions
WV-ASVC101 Manual (for Video Insight)

WV-ASVC101 Manual (for Video Insight)

Software can be downloaded from Panasonic Partner portal site. Please visit our website for detail.
For questions about Panasonic Business Partner Portal, please click here.

There are the following files.
 - Operating Instructions (English/French)
 - Setup Instructions



WV-ASVC101 Software (for Genetec)

WV-ASVC101 Software (for Genetec)

Software can be downloaded from Panasonic Partner portal site. Please visit our website for detail.
For questions about Panasonic Business Partner Portal, please click here.
WV-ASVC101 Software (for VI)

WV-ASVC101 Software (for VI)

Software can be downloaded from Panasonic Partner portal site. Please visit our website for detail.
For questions about Panasonic Business Partner Portal, please click here.
