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i-PRO Configuration Tool (iCT)
i-PRO Configuration Tool is designed to efficiently configure the settings and maintenance of up to 1,024 i-PRO devices(network cameras, disk recorders, etc.) through a personal computer via a network.
Key Features
- Camera batch settings for up to 1,024 multiple cameras
- Camera advanced settings with image stream viewing screen
- AI extension software batch installation and advanced settings
- Generation of devices settings report with camera view images
- Collective maintenance of devices, including automatic firmware updates
Update Information
i-PRO Settings Plug-in
i-PRO Settings Plug-in is the software that is designed to perform the settings of an AI cameras on Genetec Security Center / Milestone XProtect.
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New functions
We have made it possible to manage extension software with the i-PRO Configuration Tool (iCT).
- Extension software can be added to network cameras without complicated steps
- Registration Key for extension software can be issued at once
- Extension software can be registered in a network camera in bulk
Enables IP address assignment based on "MAC-IP configuration file".
How to Operate
Change the device IP address
Select the target device by the check box of the Device List to change the IP address that you want , and click [Change IP Address] at the top left of the screen. There are two ways to change the IP address: one is to automatically assign to available IP addresses sequentially, and the other is to manually change IP addresses individually.
1) When assigning IP addresses automatically and sequentially Select [Auto (Assign available IP addresses automatically)] and set the start IP address as the leading number of the serial number assignment.
2) When changing the IP address individually Select [Change IP addresses individually], select the target device and confirm/set the connection mode, IP address and so on. After you confirmed that all device IP addresses have been changed, click [Start]. You can find the device IP address to change actually.
Perform the device administrator information settings
The settings of "Device Administrator Information" (User name and Password) are blank for the devices that is factory shipping state or have been initialized, so you need to register "Device Administrator Information" before actual use. The administrator registration status of each device is indicated by the "human type icon" on the right side of IP address field in the "Device List" (green icon: registered, red icon: not registered).
In order to register Administrator Information with a device that has not been registered administrator information, select the target device with the check box and click [Administrator Registration] at the top left of the screen.
Perform the camera settings [Professional mode only]
You can set the camera settings to “The individual devices” or “The multiple devices in a batch”.
• The Individual devices
1) Select the target device in the Device List and click [Configure Cameras] on the left side of the screen. The [Edit] screen of the target camera settings is opened.
2) Select a setting item in the tree at the top right of the screen and refer to the current setting in the setting column at the bottom right of the [Edit] screen.
3) Edit the settings
• The Multiple devices in a batch
1) Set the check box of the device to be copied to “On”
2) Select the check box at the right of the target item and click “Copy” button
As described above, repeat the steps of “Select a camera, change settings, check in list view” and finally click [Start]. The camera settings to be changed are sent to the cameras.
Create and Edit the recorder settings file [Professional mode only]
This function allows you to create and edit the recorder settings file (BIN file). Click [Configure Recorders] on the left side of the screen and perform the recorder settings. To upload this recorder settings file (BIN file), please execute [Upload Files].
You can also check and edit the recorder settings file that you saved on the PC in the past.
In addition, you can convert the recorder settings file (BIN file) to text data file (CSV file) and check these settings in text data file (CSV file).
Send the file of CGI list to the device [Professional mode only]
The device has setting items that are not included in the menu of this software and some of them are disclosed by our company as CGI commands. You can set these setting items to the device by entering appropriate CGI commands in the text file (the file of CGI list) and sending this file to the target device.
Select the target device, click [Send CGI List] on the left side of the screen, select the file of target CGI list and then send it.
Perform the IEEE 802.1x settings of the device [Professional mode only]
You can perform IEEE 802.1x settings and upload CA certificates to cameras that IEEE 802.1x is supported.
Select the target device, click [Configure IEEE 802.x] on the left side of the screen and select [IEEE 802.1x] or [CA Certificate].
Back up the device settings
It is recommended that you back up the device settings that are working correctly in case of a device failure.
Selecting the target device in the Device List, click [Download Files] on the left side of the screen and select [Download Files] -> [Configuration File]
Restore the device settings
You can restore the device settings by uploading the device settings that were backed up in the past to the target device.
Select the target device in the Device List, click [Upload Files] on the left side of the screen and select [Category].
* Note: When you finished uploading, the current settings will be changed into the new settings on the device. Therefore be too careful if you upload.
Creating the system reports for the devices (reporting function)
When you create system reports (Device List and angle of view report), you had to get information for the individual device and edit manually. This time you can perform these troublesome work automatically and instantly only by one click if you use this software. This software will make your work dramatically improved.
Select the target device in the Device List, click [Download Files] on the left of the screen and select [Create a new Report of the Device List and Image View].
Updating the firmware for the multiple devices in a batch
When updating the firmware in a system which various devices are mixed, you can update the firmware in a batch without considering the model number.
There are two ways to update: 1) Automatic confirmation of the latest firmware / Upgrade of all firmware; and 2) Batch upgrade by user-specified firmware (select folder).
1) Automatic confirmation of the latest firmware / Upgrade of all firmware If there is a newer version firmware than the current version firmware on the device, “Notification” is displayed. Click [Download] in the “Notification” screen and download the latest firmware from the our website. Then click [Start], and you can automatically update the firmware on the target device.
* You need to connect the PC to the Internet when you use this function
2) Batch upgrade by user-specified firmware (select folder)
Save all the firmwares that you want to update on the devices in any folder (firmware in a storage folder) in advance. Select the target device in the Device List, click [Update Firmware] on the left side of the screen, specify the folder where the firmware is/are saved, and automatically update the firmware on the target device.
* You need to download the firmwares that you want to update on the devices from the our website in advance.
Initialize / restart the camera settings
Select the target device in the Device List and click [Camera Reset / Restart] on the left side of the screen.
* If you want to save the current settings in your PC, back up the device settings beforehand.
Saving (Export) the Device List in (to) a file
You can save (export) the Device List that it is currently displayed in (to) a file. Clicking [Save] on the title bar, and the file is saved in the specified folder and in the fixed file name.
The specified folder: It is specified by [Option] -> [Save in] at the top left of the screen The fixed file name: “DeviceConfig_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv” (Save date and time -- YYYY: year, MM: Month, DD: day, HH: hour, MM: minute, SS: second).
Open the file of the Device List (Import)
You can open and load (import) the file of Device List (CSV file) saved in your PC, check and set the Device List.
Click [Open] on the title bar, specify the saved file of Device List, and load this file.
The term
Definition of “device” used in this manual
“Device” means cameras, recorders, encoders and so on. It can be set and maintained by this software.
About two modes (Basic mode/ Professional mode)
This software has two modes: 1) Basic mode; and 2) Professional mode.
1) Basic mode has menus by purpose of operation, and allow even a beginner to understand easily.
2) In the professional mode, all functions are available. You can select either mode at startup. After startup, you can change it in [Select Menu] at the top left of the screen, or in the title bar [Option] -> [Select Menu].
About the authentication information (User name and password)
This software uses the following three kinds of the authentication information.
1) Authentication information to be entered when this software is started up (Administrator information for this software)
Before you use this software for the first time, you need to register the authentication information for this software user. You can register it when this software is started up for the first time and also you can change it in the title bar [Option] -> [Log in].
2) Authentication information to be registered for the devices of factory shipping state
(Administrator information for the device) You can set the administrator information to the devices that the Administrator has not been registered yet by this software. Select the target device and execute in the [Administrator Registration] at the top left of the screen.
3) Authentication Information (Credentials) to be used for communication with the device To set up and maintain the devices by this software, this software needs to log in to each device. ("Credentials" is a general term for "User Name / Password" which is the device Administrator login qualification.)
Entering Credentials is performed on the [Detection Result] screen at the time of device detection. However, if multiple types of Credentials are mixed in the target system, it will remain in a state where communication cannot be performed for the devices that do not match the Credentials when you entered at the time of device detection. In this case, you can specify the target device, and then specify another Credentials at the top right of the screen [Credential Settings]. You can log in to the device again.
The current versions are:
English and Japanese - V4.2 released in Jan. 2025, Chinese - V3.12 released in Apr. 2024
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