Schedule Maintenance : Monday July 15, from 2:00am(UTC) to 11:00am(UTC)
During this period, the service will not be available due to maintenance work.


This page provides VMS tips of Milestone to help you effectively use i-PRO products.

Milestone XProtect

Title Description
Camera registration Camera registration to Milestone XProtect
SRTP SRTP settings on Milestone XProtect
Edge Recording Configuration and Remote Data Retrieval  NEW! How to automatically retrieve remote recordings when connection is restored.
Multi-directional + PTZ camera Linkage Functions Multi-directional+PTZ camera configuration on Milestone XProtect
AI-VMD "Basic configuration" AI-VMD alarm configuration on Milestone XProtect
AI-VMD "How to add a stop event alarm"   NEW! AI-VMD Stop alarm configuration on Milestone XProtect
AI-VMD "Milestone Metadata Search Integration" The steps to use Metadata search in Milestone Smart Client
AI On-site Learning    NEW! The step to use Al On-site Learning on Milestone Xprotect


i-PRO Maximizer plug-in

i-PRO Maximizer provides advanced camera features that as AI, automatic tracking, and camera control that are not available as standard features in Milestone Xprotect. 
For even more details, please see the following page. (

Title Description
Camera Control User Defined CGI Camera registration to Milestone XProtect
Alarm integration AI-VMD alarm configuration on Milestone XProtect


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