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RS-485 command table files

CCTV camera connected with WJ-GXE100 and WJ-GXE500 are controlled with RS-485 communication.
Pre-installed protocols in WJ-GXE100 and WJ-GXE500 are Panasonic, Pelco-D and Pelco-P. In other cases, select [Custom] for [Protocol] on the [RS485] tab of the [image] page and upload the command table with FTP to the unit.

As a default setting, Panasonic command table files for PT control "SPEED_256" (velocity resolution: 256) for CCTV cameras have already stored in WJ-GXE100 and WJ-GXE500.
PT for discontinued models as of Feb., 2013 may not be controlled. In this case, select [Custom] for [Protocol] on the [RS485] tab of the [image] page, and refer to the following instructions and upload the command table to WJ-GXE100 and WJ-GXE500.

- PT control "SPEED_256" (velocity resolution: 256) for CCTV cameras
  WV-CS58x series, WV-CS59x series
  WV-CS95x series, WV-CS96x series, WV-CS97x series
  WV-CS57x series
  WV-CS85xA/B series, WV-CS86xA/B series
  Uploading no command table file is NOT necessary. Set “Panasonic” to protocol.

- PT control "SPEED_16" (velocity resolution: 16) for CCTV cameras
  WV-CS85x series except for WV-CS85xA/B series
  WV-CW86x series except for WV-CW86xA/B series
  Available command table file name: RS485_pana16\upload\camera_serial0.conf

- PT control "SPEED_2" (velocity resolution: 2) for CCTV cameras
  WV-CZ35x series
  WV-CZ36x series
  Except the models of PT control “SPEED_256” and “SPEED_16”, above.
  Available command table file name: RS485_pana2\upload\camera_serial0.conf

- PT control unavailable for CCTV cameras
  WV-CWxxx series: Vandal resistant camera
  WV-CPxxx series: Box-type camera
  WV-CPRxxx series: Box-type camera
  WV-CFxxx series: Dome-type camera
  WV-CLxxx series: Ultra-high sensitivity camera
  WV-CLRxxx series: Ultra-high sensitivity camera

- Upload procedure of command table
  1. Download the above-mentioned command table zip file to PC.
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file on PC.
  3. Run [upload.bat] in [RS485_panaxx] folder created after unzipping.
     WJ-GXE100 (or WJ-GXE500) is rebooted after uploading of command table.
  Note: - Run [upload.bat] after following configuration:
          1. Setup IP address of IPv4 as on [Network] tab of [Network] page.
          2. Select "Allow" for [FTP access to unit] on [Network] tab of [Network] page.
          3. Check the default administrator's ID/Password: admin[1]/12345 is valid on
             [User auth.] tab of [User mng.] page.
          4. Select [Custom] for [Protocol] on [RS485] tab of [image] page.
          WJ-GXE100 (or WJ-GXE500) is rebooted after the setting.
        - Setup [Unit address] in hex notation on [RS485] tab of [image] setting.
        - Command table settings are initialized when the unit is initialized.
          In this case, upload the command tables again as necessary.
        - A file name of command table:[camera_serial0.conf] is only valid.
          When the file name is changed, the unit cannot be operated.

Writing/editing of RS485 command table

To control other than Panasonic CCTV camera, Pelco-D and Pelco-P compatible cameras, command tables are necessary to write/edit and upload to the unit.
We do not take any responsibility for written/edited command tables.
Following information is just for reference.
A file name of command table:[camera_serial0.conf] is only valid.
When the file name is changed, the unit cannot be operated.

[1] Lines begin with [=] are commentary. They have no effect for RS485 control to the unit.
[2] File size for RS485 command table is limited not to exceed 20KB each file.

  Set [PANASONIC] for Panasonic CCTV cameras, [PELCO D Protocol] for Pelco-D compatible cameras.
  [RON:7] command is transmitted when [PANASONIC] is set and [2-line] is selected as RS485 communication.

  These have no effects for RS485 control to the unit.
  These are intended for administrative information in editing RS485 command table.

  Set [TEXT] for ASCII data communication, or [BIN] for binary data communication.

  This has no effect for RS485 control to the unit.
  Set [Unit address] in accordance with a unit number of controlled CCTV camera.


- Left part(hereinafter, command key) and right part(hereinafter, data part) should be connected by [=].
- When the unit is operated, relevant command keys are selected. 
- Command keys cannot be modified.
- Data part which corresponds to the selected command key will be transmitted. When any changes are required in transmitted data, edit the data part.
- [%x…%] means hexadecimal. For example, [%x02%] means [STX(0x02)].
- Following alternative characters may be set for variable number as data parts.
     %addr%        Replaced by [Unit address] in setup menu
     %pn4b%        Replaced by [PAN speed] as 4-bit value: 1 character
     %pn8b%        Replaced by [PAN speed] as 8-bit value: 2 characters
     %tl4b%         Replaced by [TILT speed] as 4-bit value: 1 character
     %tl8b%         Replaced by [TILT speed] as 8-bit value: 2 characters
     %zm4b%        Replaced by [ZOOM speed] as 8-bit value: 2 characters
     %pr8b%         Replaced by [PRESET number] as 8-bit value: 2 characters
     %pr12b%       Replaced by [PRESET number] as 12-bit value: 3 characters
     %bcc(x,y)%    Replaced by [CHECKSUM]. x means start position, y means end position.
                           x and/or y can be omitted

- Operation may be added in alternative characters as necessary.
  For example, [%pr8b+0xFF%]
    RS485 control specification of Panasonic CCTV cameras requires [A-1] command transmission to move to [PRESET A], thus [%pr8b+0xFF%] is used by adding [0xFF].

Command transmission in serial port (RS485 compliant)

WJ-GXE100 and WJ-GXE500 have a following function: Data received from PC in UDP 52000 port can be sent to serial port (RS485 compliant).
Arbitrary command from PC may be dynamically transmitted to analog camera.
[RS485] settings on [RS485] tab of [Camera] page are applied as communication settings.
(As of September, 2016)

All information of this page is under our test conditions for users' convenience to build a system.
Please note that we do not warrant the performance of the system.