Schedule Maintenance : Monday July 15, from 2:00am(UTC) to 11:00am(UTC)
During this period, the service will not be available due to maintenance work.

Issue Registration Key

Please click the button as follow to skip [TYPE1]
   Jump to [TYPE2][TYPE3][TYPE4][TYPE5][TYPE6]


Obtain the Registration Key.

Check the MPR ID, Activation Key No. and Registration ID.

Access the camera, and display the setup menu - the "Maintenance" page - the [Upgrade] tab by clicking the corresponding buttons and tab.

Click "Registration of application" -  Registration >> to display the "Entry information of the key management system" page, and check the MPR ID.
* The MPR ID can also be checked on the product package.

[Back to flow chart]



Obtain the Registration Key.

Check the MPR ID, Activation Key No. and Registration ID. 

• Access the camera, and display the setup menu - the  "Maintenance" page - the [Upgrade] tab by clicking the  corresponding buttons and tab.

i-PRO Extreme series
Smart HD series


• Click [Ext software] button. Extension Software  installation  page is shown.

i-PRO Extreme series
Smart HD series


• Check "MPR ID".

i-PRO Extreme series
Smart HD series


• The Activation Key No. and Registration ID are shown on the Activation Key Card.