Schedule Maintenance : Monday February 17, from 9:00am(UTC) to 12:00am(UTC)
During this period, the service will not be available due to maintenance work.
Utility facilities must operate continuously 24/7, addressing critical challenges such as preventing external intrusions and ensuring worker safety. i-PRO cameras support these essential operations with advanced analytics and alarm systems, ensuring both safety and uninterrupted functionality.

Maximize Uptime, Protect Assets, and Mitigate Safety Risks
i-PRO provides proactive insights from data driven edge-AI cameras
Effectively manage and cyber secure your facility to maximize uptime

Equipment Anomaly Detection
- Gauge and Equipment Monitoring
- Sensor and Video Security Fusion
- Abnormal Sound and Environmental Detection
IoT Device and Cyber Security
- FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Certified Secure Element
- NDAA/TAA Compliant Devices
- Data Encryption and Alteration Detection
Physical Security
Protect your assets by proactive AI security and hardening
Perimeter Security
- Intrusion Detection (Humans, Drones, Animals)
- Intruder Auto-Tracking Video Capture
- Long-range, Low-Light Video Surveillance
Entry & Exit Hardening
- Watch-List Alerts
- Facial Recognition and License Plate Recognition (LPR)
- Human and Vehicle Classification For Quick Search

Life Safety
To ensure workplace safety is our top priority to ensure reliable services

Workplace Safety
- PPE Violation Detection
- Fall and Left Object Detection
- Restricted Area Management
- Slips, trips, and fall detection
WHY i-PRO Edge-AI Cameras ?

Powerful processing power at the edge to capture data from your video and take proactive responses in real time
Built-in Cybersecurity Features

Pre-Installed GlobalSign Certificates*

FIPS 140 compliant with secure element
- FIPS 140-2 level 3

Data Encryption
- Encryption of Data in Transit(HTTPS, SSL, SRTP, RTSP)
- Encryption of Data at rest on the SD card(AES 256)

802.1x Integration

Alteration Detection
- Integrity verifier is available to run integrity check of video files
Recommended Cameras
Data driven forensic search & alert software

Connect with our Team
Find out how i-PRO products the most valuable assets in your environment
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