
SMTP error indication
Form of label
Details of error
POP3 server error
Authentication error

・The username and password may be incorrect. Check the mail settings again.

Without finding a POP3 server

・The IP address of the server may be incorrect. Reaffirm the server's IP address setting.

・The POP3 server may be down. Contact your network administrator.

SMTP server error
SMTP authentication error

・The username and password may be incorrect. Check the mail settings again.

Failure to resolve mail server address from DNS

・The DNS server might be specified incorrectly. Check the DNS settings again.

・The DNS server might be down. Contact your network administrator.

Without finding the SMTP server

・The IP address of the server may be incorrect. Reaffirm the server's IP address setting.

・The SMTP server might be down. Contact your network administrator.

Internal error
Other errors

・There is a problem with the mail function. Check the mail settings again.

Visual Net Error Indication
Form of label
Details of error
Access test error
Access test failed

・The router might not be configured for port forwarding. Enable the UPnP configuration by referring to your router's instruction manual.

Visual server error
Net server address cannot be resolved from DNS.

・The DNS server might be specified incorrectly. Check the DNS settings again.

・The DNS server might be down. Please refer to the [Viewnetcam.com] website for information on failures.

Connection failure
No server response

・The server may appear to be down. Please refer to the [Viewnetcam.com] website for information on failures.

Transfer error
Internal error
Other errors

・It looks like you have a problem with the Net function. Reaffirm the setting of the Net.

Dynamic DNS Update Error Display
Form of label
Details of error
DDNS server error
Cannot resolve DDNS server address from DNS

・The DNS server might be specified incorrectly. Check the DNS settings again.

・The DNS server might be down. Contact your network administrator.

Connection failure
No server response

・The DDNS server might be down. Contact the server administrator.

Host registration with homonyms

・Hosts with the same name are registered on the DDNS server. Reaffirm the DDNS Update setting.

Internal error
Other errors

・A problem with the DDNS Update function has occurred. Reaffirm the DDNS Update setting.

NTP error indication
Form of label
Details of error
Connection failure
No server response

・The IP address of the server may be incorrect. Reaffirm the server's IP address setting.

・The NTP server may be down. Contact the server administrator.

Internal error
Other errors

・Problems with the NTP function are occurring. Reaffirm the NTP settings.

Time synchronization success with NTP
Auto time correction

・Successful time adjustment.

HTTPS logging
Form of label
Details of contents
Generated signature request

・The creation of the signature request was completed.

CA certificate installed

・The CA certificate installation is completed.

CA certificate deleted

・The CA certificate has been deleted.

Previous CRT keys applied

・Previous CRT keys were applied as CRT keys.

CRT key generated

・CRT key generation completed.

MQTT error indication
Form of label
Details of contents
Connection failure

・Failure to connect to the server, fail to validate the certificate, or disconnect (except for disconnection from the camera due to configuration changes)

Notification error

・If Publish to the server fails

Display for login
Form of label
Details of contents
User name or IP address

・Displays the user name of the user logged in to the computer when user authentication is configured.

・Displays the IP address of the user logged in to the computer when host authentication is configured.

Error indication for login errors
Form of label
Details of contents
Login failure
User name

・Displays the user name of the user who failed to log in to the computer when user authentication is configured.

・If the user is not registered, the (unregistered user) is displayed.

・The log for [Login failed] may remain during normal operation, but this is not an error in the camera.

・If a large number of consecutive logs are retained, unauthorized access may be obtained. Contact your network administrator.

Error indication for unique alarm notification
Form of label
Details of error
Original alarm notification destination error
Without notifying

・The IP address of the notification destination may be incorrect. Confirm the setting of the IP address of the notification destination.

・The notification destination may be down. Contact your network administrator.

Notification address cannot be resolved from DNS.

・The DNS server might be specified incorrectly. Check the DNS settings again.

・The DNS server might be down. Contact your network administrator.

Error indication for HTTP alarm notification
Form of label
Details of error
HTTP alarm notification destination error
Without notifying

・The IP address of the notification destination may be incorrect. Confirm the setting of the IP address of the notification destination.

・The notification destination may be down. Contact your network administrator.

Notification address cannot be resolved from DNS.

・The DNS server might be specified incorrectly. Check the DNS settings again.

・The DNS server might be down. Contact your network administrator.

Authentication error

・The username and password may be incorrect. Check whether the HTTP alarm is set correctly.

Display of SD Memory Card Security
Form of label
Details of contents
SD card
Generated signature request

・The creation of the signature request was completed.

CA certificate installed

・The CA certificate installation is completed.

CA certificate deleted

・The CA certificate has been deleted.

Previous CRT keys applied

・Previous CRT keys were applied as CRT keys.

CRT key generated

・CRT key generation completed.

Displaying firmware upgrades
Form of label
Details of contents
Upgrading the firmware
Successful version upgrade

・The firmware version is successfully upgraded and the firmware version (before/after) is logged.

Error indication for firmware version upgrade
Form of label
Details of contents
Upgrading the firmware
Version upgrading failed (timeout: insufficient communication bandwidth)

・Farm-up failed due to timeout due to insufficient communication bandwidth. Confirm the communication environment and perform the procedure again.

Failed version upgrading (file error: Incorrect firmware file selection)

・Farm-up failed because the wrong file was uploaded. Select the firmware of the computer and perform the test again.

Version upgrading failure (Communication error: File corrupted)

・Firmup failed due to file corruption during firmware transfer. Confirm the communication environment and perform the procedure again.

Upgrade failure (Signature verification failure)

・Farm-up failed because Firmware digital signature verification failed. Check that the firmware to be uploaded is correct, and try again.

Version upgrade failure (Other error)

・Error occurred during firmware version upgrade. Wait for a while before starting the procedure again.

Error indication for installation status
Form of label
Details of contents
Installation status
Installation status error

・Error in installation was detected. Reaffirm the installation condition of the machine and turn on the power again.

FTP/SFTP error indication
Form of label
Details of contents
Server error
Can't find a server

・The FTP/SFTP server might be down. Contact the server administrator.

・The IP address of the FTP/SFTP server may be incorrect. Reaffirm the server's IP address setting.

Failure to resolve FTP server address from DNS
Connection failure
Username password error

・The FTP/SFTP server may be configured incorrectly. Reaffirm the settings.

・Setting of each display may be incorrect. Reaffirm the settings.

Failed to change directory
Host key collation error
Without access privileges
Image transmission failed
Transfer error
Error in Passive mode
Logout failure
Internal error
Other errors

・There is a problem with the FTP/SFTP function. Check the FTP/SFTP settings again.

Check the symptoms on this table before asking for repair.
Contact the dealer from whom you purchased the watch if you do not recover from any of these problems or if you have symptoms other than those listed in this table.
Causes and countermeasures
Cannot be accessed from a Web browser

・Are cables of category 5e or higher connected to the network connector?

Operation Manual Installation

・Check that the link lamp (LINK) is illuminated. If it is not illuminated, the connection to the LAN is not normal or the network to which the connection is made is not operating normally. Check the cable for faulty contact and wiring.

Operation Manual Installation

・Check that the power to the machine is ON and that the power to the machine is ON.

Operation Manual Installation

・Are valid IP addresses set for your computer?

14.1 Networking [Network]

・Are incorrect IP addresses accessed? Confirm the connection using the following method. In the Windows command prompt>If Reply is returned from your computer under ping [IP address set for your computer], it is operating normally. If Reply is not returned, check the connection using the PC connected to the same network as the camera as shown below. If the firewall setting of the PC is enabled, temporarily cancel the firewall setting before setting the camera.

Start the IP Easy Configuration Software, check the camera IP address, and access the IP address.
If the network configuration (IP address, subnet mask, default gateway) is incorrect, restart the camera and change the network configuration using the IP easy configuration software within 20 minutes.
In an environment without a • DHCP server, restarting the computer with the Initialization button sets the IP address to [*)]. Then access the computer to reset the IP address (which initializes all settings).

The IP address of the (*) Multi-directional/PTZ integrated camera is for the PTZ camera and for the Multi-directional camera.

・HTTP port numbers other than 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 68, 69, 80, 110, 123, 161, 162, 443, 554, 995, 1883, 883, 10669, 10670, 59000-61000 should be used for HTTP port numbers.

14.1 Networking [Network]

・Is the set IP address overlapping with other devices? Is the set address and the destination network subnet conflicting? (If the computer and the PC are connected in the same subnet)? Is the set IP address of the computer and PC set to the same subnet? Also, if [Use Proxy Server] is not set on the PC, or if you are accessing the computer within the same subnet, it is recommended that the [Remove from proxy] address be set. If the computer is connected to a different subnet, is the default gateway set for the computer correct?


・Are you accessing the computer with a name that is different from the one registered in [Viewnetcam.com] (nickname)? Access the computer with the registered name.

14.4.1 With [Viewnetcam.com] services

・If HTTPS is used, access [http:///] while the HTTPS function is in use. You must also enter the port number. Please refer to the support video page of the support site<Control No. P0002>、<Control No. P0003>.

Causes and countermeasures
Camera cannot be accessed from the Internet

・Are the network settings for the computer correct? Configure the default gateway or DNS server address correctly. When using the DDNS service, make sure that it is set correctly.

・In networking, do you configure [Default gateway]? Or do you configure it correctly? In IPv4, [Set]-[Network]-[IPv4 network], set [Default gateway] correctly.

14.1 Networking [Network]

・Does the router have a port forwarding configuration? If your router does not have UPnP capability, you must configure the port forwarding configuration to allow access to the computer from the Internet. Refer to your router's Instruction Manual for how to configure.

・Is the UPnP function disabled on the router? Refer to the router's instruction manual and enable the UPnP function.

・Does the router have packet filtering or other settings that prohibit access from the Internet? Enable your router to access from the Internet. Refer to your router's instruction manual for how to configure this function.

14.2.4 Set UPnP

・Do you have access to the IP address (local address) for use on the local network? Check the IPv4 network settings, IPv6 network settings, and DDNS settings, and access the global address (or URL registered with the DDNS service) as the IP address of the computer for use on the Internet with the computer's port number.

14.1 Networking [Network]
14.4 How to configure DDNS
Causes and countermeasures
Unaccessible with [Viewnetcam.com] services URLs

・Is the global address of the machine (or router) informed to the [Viewnetcam.com] service server? Check the registered cameras on the [Viewnetcam.com] service website. If not, please go to the computer and [Set]-[Network]-[Advanced] to complete the [Viewnetcam.com] services registrations. Also, check the [Viewnetcam.com] status and system logs for the [Set]-[Maintenance]-[Status] of the computer.

14.4.1 With [Viewnetcam.com] services
16.1 [System log] to check the system logs
Causes and countermeasures
Display the authentication screen continuously

・If the user name or password has been changed while the computer is being accessed and the user name or password being logged in has been changed in another web browser, the authentication screen is displayed each time the screen is switched. Close the Web browser and access the computer again.

・If you have changed the [Authentication method] setting, close the web browser and re-access it.

Causes and countermeasures
Take longer to display

・Are you accessing in HTTPS mode? In HTTPS mode, the display will be slow depending on the specifications of your PC for decoding processing.
Refer to the web guide of your model for the recommended specifications of the PC.


・Do you have access to your computer on the same local network via a proxy? Configure the PC so that it does not go through a proxy.


・Are multiple users referring to the camera image at the same time? If multiple users refer to the camera image at the same time, the screen display may take longer or the camera image updating speed may be slower.

Causes and countermeasures
Camera cannot be accessed from mobile or tablet terminal
In the case of mobile devices:

・URL is wrong. Or, is [/cam] not entered at the end of the URL? Ensure that the URL is entered correctly. When accessing the computer from a portable terminal, enter [/cam] at the end of the URL to be used when accessing the computer from the PC.

For tablet terminals:

・Check that the URL is correct and that the URL is entered correctly.


・Is the SSL encryption method of the HTTPS of the mobile terminal or tablet terminal different from that of this device? Set the [Connection] of the HTTPS of this device to [HTTP] and re-access it.


・If HTTPS is used, access [http:///] while the HTTPS function is in use. You must also enter the port number. Please refer to the support video page of the support site<Control No. P0002>、<Control No. P0003>.

Causes and countermeasures
When registering with [Viewnetcam.com] services, an error is displayed (e.g. [Error occurred. Cookie cannot be used or expired. Cookie available browser, reconnect by setting.]).

・Is the security setting of the web browser set to not accept cookies? Check the settings of your web browser.

Fail to register [Viewnetcam.com] services

・Is there a possibility that the registered e-mail address is incorrect? If the e-mail containing the links to the [Viewnetcam.com] services website is not sent, the registered e-mail address may be incorrect? Refer to the [Viewnetcam.com] services website to register the e-mail address correctly.

Causes and countermeasures
No Picture

・Please refer to the instruction manual for your mobile terminal/tablet terminal for information about the limitation of image data size that can be displayed on the mobile terminal/tablet terminal.

Blur the image

・Check that the focus is adjusted correctly.

9.4.5 Adjust the zoom/focus
The camera is not focused immediately after the power is turned on.

・Focus and zoom are adjusted after starting the camera, and the camera is out of focus for a certain period of time.

The image is not updated

・Depending on the web browser or version, images may not be updated or other problems may occur.

Web Guide

・Images may stop being displayed due to network congestion or concentration of access to the machine. Request the acquisition of images by pressing the [F5] key on the PC keyboard.

The camera image is not displayed (dark).

・Is the [Brightness] set to darken? Click [Normal] for brightness.

2.3.2 About live image pages
Look whitish

・Is the [Brightness] set to brighten? Click [Normal] brightness.
When the [Adaptive black stretch] slider bar is moved in the [-] direction, the image is darkened.

2.3.2 About live image pages
9.4.1 To adjust the image quality (image quality adjustment screen)
Flicker the image

・If flickering is a concern, set [Light control mode] to [Indoor scene].

9.4.1 To adjust the image quality (image quality adjustment screen)
Causes and countermeasures
Image not saved on SD Memory Card

Failure to write to or read from SD Memory Card

・Check that the SD Memory Card is mounted correctly and correctly.


・Is the SD Memory Card formatted?


・[--------------MB] is displayed on the [Remaining capacity] of the [SD memory card] tab. Please format the SD Memory Card.

8.2 [SD memory card] for setting SD Memory Cards

・[Remaining capacity] of the [SD memory card] tabs​#​##​#​​#​##​#​MB/​#​##​#​​#​##​#​MB is not displayed? Check the password lock setting.

8.2 [SD memory card] for setting SD Memory Cards

・If the mail notification or unique alarm [Diag.] function is used, has the recognition error of the SD Memory Card been received?

・In the [Maintenance]-[Status]-[SD memory card] logs<SD>Is the recognition error displayed? Format the SD Memory Card.

8.2 [SD memory card] for setting SD Memory Cards
12.12 [Notification] to set alarm notification
14.2.1 Set mail sending

・Is the SD Memory Card faulty? The SD Memory Card has a limited number of rewrites. Replace the SD Memory Card with a new one if it is rewritten frequently because it may last a long time.

Causes and countermeasures
Inability to communicate voice

・Check that the microphone and speakers are connected correctly and correctly.

・Transmission voice can only be used when connected with HTTPS.

Operator's Manual Installation
Without audio from our network disk recorder or PC software package

・Some of our network disk recorders and PC software packages do not support [G.711]. Set the earpiece speech compression method to [G.726 (32 kbps)] or [AAC-LC].

9.5 [Audio] for setting sound
The image on the live image page is not displayed.

・Press the [F5] key on the PC keyboard or press the [Live] button.

2.3 Viewing images from a PC
The shortcut icon for the camera is not displayed on the [Network].

・Does the UPnP Windows component have been added? Add the UPnP Windows component to your PC?

14.2.4 Set UPnP
Causes and countermeasures
Image not updated or displayed successfully

・The port of this equipment may have been filtered by the firewall function of the virus check software. Change the HTTP port number of your computer to a port number that is not filtered.

The lamps are not lit.

・In the Advanced menu [Basic], is the lamp display setting set to [Off]? Set the lamp display setting to [On].

8.1 [Basic] to perform basic settings
The H.265 (or H.264) image does not appear smoothly.

・The following may be improved.
Check the [Required PC Environment] in the web guide.

Web Guide
Clicking the Back button on the Web browser will not display the correct screen.

・Press the [F5] key on the PC keyboard to update the screen.

[Access is concentrated. Run later.] is displayed on the live picture page.

・Change the [Bit Rate* per Client] setting of the stream to a lower value.

・Change the [Initial display stream] setting to the lower [Max bit rate (per client) *] streams.

9.3 [Image] for setting up streams
9.2 [Image] for setting JPEG images
A dialog message, error message, or other character in the message will break, or a portion of the message will not be displayed.

・This may be canceled by changing the settings of the PC. Right-click the PC screen and change the display by clicking [Display Settings] → [Change the size of text, apps, and other items].

Causes and countermeasures
The camera will continue to move in the tilt direction even after you have finished working with the control pad on [PTZ] tab of Live image pages.

・Are you accessing in HTTPS mode?

 This may occur if the root certificate is not installed on PC in the correct step or if you are using the incorrect certificate.

 Use the correct procedure or the correct certificate to access the camera.

14.3 Setting up HTTPS

・The items that can be set differ depending on the function of the model.

・Refer to the catalog specifications for the functions installed in each model.