Schedule Maintenance : Monday February 17, from 9:00am(UTC) to 12:00am(UTC)
During this period, the service will not be available due to maintenance work.

Federal and state grants are part of the budget picture for nearly every public sector agency in the country, but many agencies are understaffed for grants development or lack experience with grant programs that could dramatically increase their capacity to leverage technology to advance their missions and impact their communities.
i-PRO Americas Inc. has engaged Grants Office, LLC a national grants development services firm with a 20-year track record of helping public sector agencies find and secure funding for technology projects. The i-PRO Grants Support Program provides public sector agencies, educational institutions, and hospitals with grants information, customized funding research, and consultation that will help develop project ideas, get technology-rich projects funded, and even expand initiatives that are already in the works.
For additional information, please contact Amy Bolin, Senior Grants & Diversity Alliance Program Specialist at for inquiries
i-PRO Information Collection Tool
Annual Grant Funding Programs
- Body-worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program (BWC PIP). Due annually in the spring. Provides funding for police departments who are (1) purchasing BWC solutions for the first time; or (2) expanding existing BWC solutions to more officers.
- Reduce Sexual Violence on Campus Program. Due annually in the spring. Provides funding for higher ed school safety initiatives – including fixed surveillance solutions and other law enforcement tools (e.g. BWCs).
- School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP). Due annually in the spring. Provides funding for K-12 school safety initiatives – including fixed surveillance solutions.
- Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP). Due annually in the spring. Provides funding for security of mass transit systems in large cities – including fixed surveillance solutions on buses, trolleys, train cars, etc.
- HUD Emergency Safety and Security Grants. Due annually in the spring. Provides funding for fixed surveillance solutions in public housing complexes.