New sustainable logistics headquarters Rhenus in tilburg optimally secured - Nederland

Rhenus Logistics is a logistics company that is active worldwide in the transport, storage and transfer of goods. Due to the strong growth of its activities, Rhenus built a new head office in Tilburg with warehouses for its contract logistics division. Rhenus is committed to sustainability and resolutely opts for i-PRO security solutions. “Due to the excellent experiences at our other locations with the i-PRO Video Inside Platform, the same platform was set up at the head office. This also has major benefits for the entire organisation in terms of ease of use.”
- Client
- Rhenus Logistics
- Région
- Location
- Tilburg, Nederland
- Solution category
- Commentaire
Willem Boersbroek, Site Director Warehouse Solutions Nederland
- Challenge
- Display every square centimetre.
- Solution (BusinessSolution)
- 75 WV-SP105 4K cameras
“Rhenus is a successful family business and is not listed on the stock exchange,” says Willem Boersbroek, Site Director Warehouse Solutions Netherlands. “This gives us the advantage of working on a long-term vision and consciously investing in a sustainable future. This also applies to our premises. We didn't just want to put a block box as a cheap solution. We choose sustainable solutions and a pleasant working environment with plenty of natural light that we can use in a good way for a long time. The roof is fully equipped with solar panels and we heat the entire building without the need for natural gas. And all the rolling stock is electric; we charge them every evening with our the solar energy generated in-house.”
Office space for customers
“We created a pleasant, sustainable environment in which our customers can also work optimally . They have their own office space in the building, so they are close to their products. This is for example very important for our clients in the medical sector: often several implant units are sent with at the same time because the doctors can only determine in the operating room which implant would best suit the patient. The customer can then immediately assess whether the returned goods are again in stock or if they have gone elsewhere.”
In addition to medical products, Rhenus Logistics also manages high tech products and high-end products from leading brands at the Tilburg location. “It goes without saying that the site sets high standards in terms of service, quality, security and safety,” says Boersbroek. “The ability to follow the flow of goods on the site any time and anywhere was the starting point for our security. A total of 130 cameras have been installed on the site for this purpose. We have an underlying Warehouse Management System (WMS) in which all transactions are recorded. All products, loading pallets and all movements are scanned. Through the WMS we know exactly where a product or pallet is located. We can link camera images to the WMS to analyse any issues that may arise. For example, if twelve pallets have been loaded and the customer later reports that he has only received eleven, then we can easily check that afterwards via the recorded images.”

Minimum number of cameras
Koen Versteijen, Project Manager Security at Hoppenbrouwers Techniek adds: “With new construction, the big advantage is that the security system can be built from scratch. We made a plan based on the description that the system must meet. In consultation with Rhenus, we looked at what we wanted to see and how we were going to do it, then we installed the network according to specifications. In an existing building that is often impossible, there are always places where there are no cables or network to place a camera. Together with i-PRO, we at Rhenus designed the technical back plan and worked together to get the Video Inside Platform up and running. The camera system operates on its own network. It is connected to the Rhenus network at one point so that the control room can log into the system.”
Autostore zone for high tech
“Rhenus has a fully enclosed storage facility within the warehouse for valuable high tech products that are stored via an autostore system,” Boersbroek indicates. “The i-PRO camera’s record all human actions there. Products can only be removed from the autostore warehouse through an order in the WMS. “As a result, the chance of theft is virtually reduced to zero. Mobile camera’s with their own hard disk are available for this.” Drivers do not have access to the warehouses. They are also not allowed to be present when loading and unloading goods. “For their comfort, we have placed screens in their waiting area that are linked to the security cameras. That way they can follow the loading and unloading process of their truck.”
Alarm monitoring
All images come together in the control room, where they are saved and stored for thirty days. Boersbroek: “The control room is only accessible for a limited number of people. If there is an incident, we have a contract with V&B, an investigation agency, which carries out the investigation and starts viewing the images. The system is also used for alarm monitoring. Securitas can access the cameras externally to see if they are any suspicious circumstances outside. The combination of the security system and the camera system is well coordinated.”
Razor-sharp image quality
“Inside we use i-PRO WV-SP105 4K cameras, around 75 cameras in total. Full-HD cameras from the WV-S1131 series hang outside. This shows every square centimetre in the logistics area. There are cameras on all access doors, and all exit doors are also fully displayed. We don't miss a thing,” says Boersbroek. “What we noticed most after installing the system is the high reliability of the system and the high quality of the images. They are really sharp. That is now a thing of the past. The weather conditions also have no influhence on the quality and the building is well lit so that the cameras continue to record in colour at night. That gives us a sense of peace and security,” Boersbroek concludes.