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 Camera Control User Defined CGI

Last update: November, 2023

Users can control cameras using user-defined CGI in i-PRO Maximizer. After configuring user-defined CGI in the Management Client, these commands can be executed on the Smart Client.

Please see the following page for an overviwer of i-PRO Maximizer.
The installer and installation manual can be downloaded from [HOW TO INSTALL] on the following page.

i-PRO Maximizer (

This page contains the following sample CGI.
Active Clear Sight
See the Command Document for other CGI.

<Setup in Xprotect Management Client>

1. Select [Server] - [Rules and Events] - [i-PRO Extended Actions]. Click [Configure commands].


2. Click the [Add Command] .


3. You can create a new command.
See <Sample CGI>for some features.
By entering commands in [Request Path] and creating it, you can achieve various operations with Milestone Smart Client. If necessary, enter the [Name] and [Display Name (SC)], and click [OK].


4. The created command will be added, and you'll have the option to enable/disable it.


<How to use Xprotect Smart Client>

5. Start the Smart Client. Click the i-PRO icon at the bottom right of the screen. Select and execute the command you created.


<Sample CGI>

Active Clear Sight

Function CGI (Request Path
Start cgi-bin/activeclearsight



Function CGI (Request Path
Enable cgi-bin/set_ext1_schedule?installid=272&mon=t1&tue=t1&wed=t1&thu=t1&fri=t1&sat=t1&sun=t1
Disable cgi-bin/set_ext1_schedule?installid=272&mon=off&tue=off&wed=off&thu=off&fri=off&sat=off&sun=off



Function CGI (Request Path
Wiper Start(High speed) cgi-bin/camctrl?wiper=high
Wiper Srart(Low speed) cgi-bin/camctrl?wiper=low
Wiper Srart(1 shot) cgi-bin/camctrl?wiper=1shot
Wiper Stop cgi-bin/camctrl?wiper=off
Washer Start 
*1  Washer control requires advance settings on the camera browser.

*1 Washer control requires advance settings on the camera browser.

1. Select  [Setup] > [Basic].
2. Select "Washer control" in [Relay output].

In [Washer Control], detailed settings for washer control can be configured.
Please refer to the WV-SUD638 Operating Instruction for more information.



Milestone XProtect Management Client 2023 R2 /DP 13.0a
i-PRO Maximizer 1.0.1